Balinale: The Cinema Travellers
Bahasa Indonesia - Pemain sandiwara menaiki truk bioskop membawa keajaiban film ke desa-desa terpencil di India setiap tahunnya. 7 dekade berlalu, saat proyektor film mulai rusak dan gulungan film kian langka, donatur-donatur mereka mulai melirik teknologi digital. Seorang pemain sandiwara, eksponen, dan mekanik proyektor mengangkat beban yang indah, untuk tetap melanjutkan bioskop berjalan terakhir di dunia.
English - Showmen riding cinema lorries have brought the wonder of the movies to faraway villages in India once every year. Seven decades on, as their cinema projectors crumble and film reels become scarce, their patrons are lured by slick digital technology. A benevolent showman, a shrewd exhibitor and a maverick projector mechanic bear a beautiful burden - to keep the last traveling cinemas of the world running.
(In Hindi with English subtitles)