Cars 3

DirectorBrian Fee
Castsowen wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper, Nathan Fillion, Larry The Cable Guy, Armie Hammer, Tony Shalhoub, Bonnie Hunt
Duration109 minutes
RatingSU (Semua Umur)
GenreAnimation, Adventure, Comedy
Trailer & Sinopsis
Bahasa Indonesia - Merasa tersaingi oleh generasi baru mobil balap, Lightning McQueen yang legendaris jadi tersisih dari arena olahraga yang dicintainya. Dengan harapan untuk kembali berkompetisi, ia minta bantuan Cruz Ramirez, montir muda yang punya rencana sendiri untuk menang. Sekarang, ia bersiap untuk berkompetisi di arena terbesar Piston Cup Racing.
English -
English - Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast cars, the legendary Lighting McQueen finds himself pushed out of the sport that he loves. Hoping to get back in the game, he turns to Cruz Ramirez, an eager young technician who has her own plans for winning. And now he is getting ready to compete on Piston Cup Racings biggest stage.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)