Balinale: The Best Of Enemies

DirectorRobin Bissell
CastsAnne Heche, Wes Bentley, John Gallagher Jr., Sam Rockwell, Taraji P. Henson
Duration133 minutes
Bahasa Indonesia - Aktivis hak-hak sipil Ann Atwater berhadapan dengan C.P. Ellis, Pejuang Agung Ku Klux Klan, pada tahun 1971 Durham, North Carolina atas masalah integrasi sekolah.
English - Civil rights activist Ann Atwater faces off against C.P. Ellis, Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan, in 1971 Durham, North Carolina over the issue of school integration.
(In English with no subtitles)
Film Balinale: The Best Of Enemies sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 27 September 2019 - 27 September 2019