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The New Mutants

The New Mutants

DirectorJosh Boone

CastsMaisie Williams, Anya Taylor Joy, Alice Braga, Charlie Heaton, Blu Hunt, Henry Zaga, Happy Anderson, Colbi Gannett, Thomas Kee

Duration94 minutes

RatingR (Remaja)

GenreAction, Horror, Sci-Fi

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Berlatar di sebuah rumah sakit terisolasi, beberapa mutan muda ditempatkan di sana untuk diawasi secara psikiatris. Saat berbagai kejadian aneh timbul, baik kemampuan mutasi maupun ikatan pertemanan mereka akan diuji seraya mereka bertaruh nyawa untuk dapat keluar dari tempat itu.
English - Set in an isolated hospital where a group of young mutants is being held for psychiatric monitoring. When strange occurrences begin to take place, both their new mutant abilities and their friendships will be tested as they battle to try and make it out alive.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film The New Mutants sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 31 Desember 2020 - 23 April 2021

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