Dc League Of Super-pets

DirectorJared Stern, Sam Levine
CastsDwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Keanu Reeves, Vanessa Bayer, Natasha Lyonne, Diego Luna, John Krasinski, Marc Maron, Kate Mckinnon, Dascha Polanco, Ben Schwartz
Duration105 minutes
RatingSU (Semua Umur)
GenreAnimation, Action, Adventure
Trailer & Sinopsis
Bahasa Indonesia - Dalam DC League of Super-Pets, Krypto si Anjing-Super dan Superman adalah sahabat yang tak terpisahkan, berbagi kekuatan super yang sama dan memerangi kejahatan di Metropolis secara berdampingan. Ketika Superman dan anggota Justice League lainnya diculik, Krypto harus meyakinkan sekumpulan hewan peliharaan di tempat perlindungan Ace si anjing, PB si babi berperut buncit, Merton si kura-kura dan Chip si tupaiuntuk menguasai kekuatan baru mereka sendiri dan membantunya menyelamatkan pahlawan-pahlawan super.
English - In DC League of Super-Pets, Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best friends, sharing the same superpowers and fighting crime in Metropolis side by side. When Superman and the rest of the Justice League are kidnapped, Krypto must convince a rag-tag shelter packAce the hound, PB the potbellied pig, Merton the turtle and Chip the squirrelto master their own newfound powers and help him rescue the Super Heroes.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)
Film Dc League Of Super-pets sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 27 Juli 2022 - 24 Oktober 2022
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