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You & Me & Me

You & Me & Me

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Tahun 1999, ketika dunia dilanda kekhawatiran terhadap datangnya era Y2K, saudari kembar You dan Me juga mulai khawatir tentang masa depan. Keduanya sangat dekat satu sama lain hingga saling berbagi dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Suatu hari, mereka berjumpa dengan seorang pemuda bernama Mark. Tak seperti hal-hal lainnya, cinta pertama bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa dibagi. Sejauh mana konflik ini akan menghantar si kembar menuju babak baru kehidupan mereka?
English - In 1999, while the world is gripped by the Y2K scare, identical twin sisters You and Me are also concerned for their future. The twins are so close with one another to the point that they share every aspect of life with each other. One day, a boy named Mark comes into their lives. When the twins are confronted with their first loves which are not shareable unlike everything else, how will this internal conflict lead the twins into a new phase of their life?
(In Thai with Indonesian/English subtitles)

Film You & Me & Me sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 29 Maret 2023 - 29 November 2023

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