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Kmc: Kuldesak

DirectorNan Triveni Achnas

CastsBianca Adinegoro, Ryan Hidayat, Wong Aksan

Duration103 minutes

RatingD (Dewasa)



Kuldesak has many meanings. It has a vague similarity with the French word cul-de-sac. The bottom of a sack, or dead end. It is also a term which is rarely used in the Indonesian language for a route that leads nowhere. It is for the audience to decide what Kuldesak means to them. ForDay For Night Films, it represents an obsessive love towards film, a personal statement about identity and a stand againts a film industry which stifles a creative spirit.

Film Kmc: Kuldesak sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 05 Maret 2019 - 12 Maret 2019

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