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American Made

American Made

DirectorDoug Liman

CastsTom Cruise, Caleb Landry Jones, Domhnall Gleeson, Sarah Wright, E. Roger Mitchell, Jesse Plemons, Lola Kirke

Duration115 minutes


GenreAction, Biography, Comedy

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Barry Seal, seorang pilot TWA, direkrut oleh CIA untuk menyelidiki menjamurnya ancaman komunisme di Amerika Tengah. Kemudian ia jadi memimpin salah satu operasi CIA terbesar dalam sejarah Amerika Serikat. Operasi ini memicu lahirnya kartel Medellin dan hampir menjatuhkan pemerintahan Ronald Reagan.
English - Barry Seal, a TWA pilot, is recruited by the CIA to investigate the burgeoning communist threat in Central America. He soon finds himself in charge of one of the biggest covert CIA operations in the history of the United States. The operation spawns the birth of the Medellin cartel and almost brings down the Reagan White House.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film American Made sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 14 Oktober 2017 - 24 Oktober 2017

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