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Pitch Perfect 3

Pitch Perfect 3

DirectorTrish Sie

CastsAnna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Hailee Steinfeld, Brittany Snow, Anna Camp, Hana Mae Lee

Duration93 minutes

RatingR (Remaja)

GenreComedy, Musical

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Setelah menang di kejuaraan dunia, Beca dan anggota Bellas yang lain menyadari bahwa tampil membawakan musik secara acapella tidak terlalu laku. Mereka lalu berkumpul kembali untuk kompetisi terakhir di luar negeri, tapi mereka harus menghadapi grup yang juga bermain alat musik.
English - Following their win at the world championship, Beca and the rest of the Bellas find that making music with their mouths is not really good for business. They then reunite for one last singing competition at an overseas tour, but face a group who uses both instruments and voices.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film Pitch Perfect 3 sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 23 Desember 2017 - 23 Januari 2018

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