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The Curse

The Curse

DirectorMuhammad Yusuf

CastsPrisia Nasution, Shareefa Daanish, Lia Waode, Katrini Nath, Maria Leeds

Duration98 minutes

RatingD (Dewasa)


Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Shelina, pengacara ekspatriat Indonesia, bekerja di salah satu biro hukum ternama di Melbourne, Australia. Suatu malam, Shelina didatangi roh halus di rumahnya. Penampakan roh halus itu semakin hari semakin jelas dan sangat menakutkan. Akhirnya Shelina memanggil paranormal dari Indonesia guna melakukan pengusiran. Hasil ritual paranormal menemukan, roh halus itu mendatangi Shelina untuk menyampaikan pesan. Dan roh halus itu mempunyai kaitan yang sangat erat dengan Shelina. Teka-teki di balik kedatangan roh halus membuat Shelina harus menghadapi sesuatu yang sangat menakutkan.
English - Shelina is an Indonesian expatriate lawyer working in a prestigious law firm in Melbourne, Australia. One night, Shelina is visited by a mysterious spirit in her house, who gets more apparent and terrifying every day. Finally, Shelina calls a psychic from Indonesia to perform a cleansing. The psychics ritual discovers that the spirit comes to Shelina to convey a message. And the spirit is closely connected to Shelina. The mystery behind the appearances forces Shelina to come to terms with something terrifying.
(In Indonesian with no subtitles)

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