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DirectorAndrew Niccol

CastsClive Owen, Amanda Seyfried, Colm Feore

Duration96 minutes

RatingD (Dewasa)


Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Berlatar di masa depan dengan pemerintahan bergaya Soviet, di mana pemerintah melawan aksi kriminal dengan menghapus privasi, yang berakibat pada pengintaian total dan aksi sensor pribadi, Sal Frieland adalah polisi tangguh yang berusaha keras memerangi tindakan kriminalitas di kotanya. Tapi, hidupnya berubah ketika ia bertemu seorang peretas yang dikenal dengan nama The Girl, yang mengharuskannya melawan pemerintahnya sendiri.
English - In a Soviet-style future where the government is trying to fight crime by eliminating privacy, thus creating total surveillance and self-censorship, Sal Frieland is a tough cop who is doing his best to fight crime in his city. However, things take a huge turn when he meets a hacker known as The Girl, with results that might lead him to blow the whistle on his own government.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film Anon sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 16 Mei 2018 - 28 Mei 2018

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