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The King's Avatar: For The Glory

The King's Avatar: For The Glory

DirectorShi Juansheng, Deng Zhiwei

CastsZhang Jie, Bian Jiang, Xi Zi as, Xia Lei

Duration99 minutes

RatingR (Remaja)


Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - The King’s Avatar adalah film animasi yang diangkat dari novel web populer dunia, manga dan anime TV-nya telah menarik banyak penggemar di seluruh dunia. Dalam game online Glory, Ye Xiu dianggap sebagai pemain pro papan atas. Namun, karena berbagai alasan, Ia dikeluarkan dari tim. Ketika Glory meluncurkan server kesepuluh, Ye Xiu sekali lagi melemparkan dirinya ke dalam permainan. Membawa kenangan dari masa lalunya dan senjata buatan sendiri.
English - The King’s Avatar is the animation film based on the world popular web novel of the same name. Adapted from the novel, its manga and TV anime have attracted lots of fans all over the world. In the online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reason, he is kicked from the team. When Glory launches its tenth server, Ye once again throws himself into the game. Bringing with him the memories of his past and an incomplete, self-made weapon, his return along the road to the summit begins
(In Chinese with Indonesian/English subtitles)

Film The King's Avatar: For The Glory sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 02 November 2019 - 12 November 2019

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