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Let Him Go

Let Him Go

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Setelah meninggalnya putra mereka, pensiunan sherriff George Blackledge dan istrinya, Margaret meninggalkan rumah peternakan mereka di Montana demi menyelamatkan cucu mereka yang masih kecil, dari cengkeraman sebuah keluarga berbahaya di kawasan pinggiran Dakota yang dikepalai oleh Blanche Weboy. Begitu tahu bahwa keluarga Weboy tak sedikit pun berniat menyerahkan sang cucu, George dan Margaret tak punya pilihan selain melawan demi keluarga mereka.
English - Following the loss of their son, retired sheriff George Blackledge and his wife Margaret leave their Montana ranch to rescue their young grandson from the clutches of a dangerous family living off the grid in the Dakotas, headed by matriarch Blanche Weboy. When they discover the Weboys have no intention of letting the child go, George and Margaret are left with no choice but to fight for their family.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film Let Him Go sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 05 Februari 2021 - 18 Februari 2021

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