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His Only Son

His Only Son

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - His Only Son menceritakan tentang salah satu peristiwa kontroversial di Perjanjian Lama, ketika Abraham diperintahkan Tuhan untuk mengorbankan anaknya, Ishak, di Gunung Moria. Ketika dalam perjalanan ke lokasi pengorbanan, bersama Ishak dan kedua asistennya, Abraham teringat dengan dirinya dan Sara yang bertahun-tahun mengharapkan kelahiran anak laki-laki yang sudah dijanjikan â?? yang saat ini harus berbaring di atas meja persembahan.
English - His Only Son recounts one of the most controversial moments in the Old Testament, when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. While traveling to the place of the sacrifice, alongside Isaac and two servants, Abraham is flooded with vivid memories from the years he and Sarah spent longing for the son they were promised - the son he must now lay upon the altar.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)

Film His Only Son sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 30 Agustus 2023 - 07 November 2023

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