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The Girl On The Train

The Girl On The Train

DirectorTate Taylor

CastsEmily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Rebecca Ferguson, Justin Theroux

Duration112 minutes

RatingD (Dewasa)

Trailer & Sinopsis

Rachel yang alkoholik Ia suka melihat kehidupan sehari-hari pasangan yang tampak sempurna, Scott dan Megan, dari jendela keretanya setiap hari. Suatu hari, ia menangkap sebuah peristiwa mengejutkan di halaman belakang rumah pasangan itu. Ia melaporkannya pada pihak berwajib, setelah Megan dikabarkan hilang dan mungkin tewas. Walaupun tidak dapat mengandalkan ingatannya, Rachel memulai penyelidikannya sendiri, sementara polisi mencurigai Rachel telah melewati garis batas yang berbahaya

Alcoholic Rachel catches daily glimpses of a seemingly perfect couple, Scott and Megan, from the window of her train. One day, she witnesses something shocking unfold in the backyard of the strangers' home. Rachel tells the authorities what she thinks she saw after learning that Megan is now missing and feared dead. Unable to trust her own memory, the troubled woman begins her own investigation, while police suspect that Rachel may have crossed a dangerous line.

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