Thomas & Friend : Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie

DirectorDavid Stoten
CastsJohn Hasler, Teresa Gallagher, Keith Wickham
Duration81 minutes
RatingSU (Semua Umur)
Trailer & Sinopsis
Bahasa Indonesia - Thomas meninggalkan Sodor untuk memenuhi cita-citanya melihat dunia luar. Petualangan heroik ini membawa Thomas melewati gurun-gurun, mengarungi hutan belantara, serta melalui gunung-gunung berbahaya saat ia mengembara di lima benua, menyaksikan pemandangan-pemandangan yang tak pernah ia lihat sebelumnya.
English - Thomas leaves Sodor to fulfil his dream of seeing the world. This heroic quest takes Thomas across deserts, through jungles and over dangerous mountains as he travels across five continents seeing sights he has never seen before.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)
Film Thomas & Friend : Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 17 Oktober 2018 - 04 November 2018