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Decision To Leave

Decision To Leave

DirectorPark Chan-wook

CastsPark Hae-il, Tang Wei, Go Kyung-pyo, Park Yong-woo

Duration138 minutes


Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Seorang pria jatuh dari puncak gunung & tewas. Detektif yang bertanggung jawab, Hae-Joon menemui istri korban, Seo-rae. Saya khawatir ketika dia tidak kembali dari gunung, berpikir dia mungkin akan mati pada akhirnya. Seo-rae tidak menunjukkan tanda kegelisahan atas kematian suaminya. Dengan perilakunya yang sangat berbeda dengan kerabat berduka, polisi mencurigainya sebagai tersangka. Hae-joon mulai menginvestigasi Seo-rae dan dalam pengintaiannya Hae-Joon merasa dirinya perlahan-lahan mulai tertarik. Sementara itu Seo-rae yang sulit ditebak, walaupun dicurigai atas tindak kejahatan ia malah berani terhadap Hae-joon.
English - A man falls from a mountain peak to his death. The detective in charge, Hae-joon, comes to meet the dead mans wife Seo-rae. I worry when he does not return from a mountain, thinking he might die at last. Seo-rae does not show any signs of agitation at her husbands death. With her behavior so unlike that of a grieving relative, the police consider her a suspect. Hae-joon interrogates Seo-rae, and while observing her on a stakeout, he feels himself slowly developing an interest in her. Meanwhile the difficult-to-read Seo-rae, despite being suspected of a crime, acts boldly towards Hae-joon.
(In Korean with Indonesian/English subtitles)

Film Decision To Leave sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 12 Juli 2022 - 30 November 2023

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