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The Clock: Spirits Awakening

The Clock: Spirits Awakening

DirectorLeak Lyda

CastsSorn Piseth, Nov Dana, Yem Sreypich, Khul Samanta

RatingR (Remaja)


Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Tahun 1940, lagu Gloomy Sunday dikenal sebagai lagu bunuh diri karena banyak peristiwa bunuh diri yang tercatat punya kaitan dengan lagu itu. Akibat mendengarkan lagu ini pula seorang wanita Prancis terdorong mengakhiri hidupnya sendiri setelah kekasihnya, seorang pembuat jam, terbunuh. Arwahnya tak pernah merasa damai sehingga ia kerap hadir kembali untuk mewujudkan keinginan-keinginan orang-orang lain yang depresi. Cheata, seorang anak perempuan yang tinggal bersama ayah kandung dan ibu tiri sejak ibu kandungnya, Chanda pergi meninggalkan keluarganya, juga mengalami depresi. Setiap hari ia mengalami kekerasan mental dan fisik dari ibu tirinya. Ditambah dengan kerinduannya menemui sang ibu kandung, depresi Cheata pun semakin menjadi. Memeluk foto sang ibu serta mendengarkan lagu nina bobok setiap malam tak juga memulihkan sakit hati dan depresinya. Di saat-saat sedang lemah inilah Cheata terhasut dan terjebak dalam kendali arwah wanita Prancis yang menghuni sebuah jam.
English - In the year of 1940, the song Gloomy Sunday was known as the suicide song as many suicides recorded were related to it. Listening to this song has led to a French lady committing suicide as well after the death of her boyfriend, a clock engineer at that time. Her soul was not at peace and it returned with the purpose of fulfilling the desires of other victims of depression. Cheata, a girl living with her father and stepmother after her biological mother, Chanda, left the family, is suffering from depression. Every day she suffers mental and physical abuses from her stepmother. Together with her longing for her true mother, this had led Cheata to slip deeper and deeper into depression. Holding on to her mothers photo and listening to her mothers lullaby every night does little to heal her heartache and depression. It is through this weakness that Cheata succumbs and falls under the control of the spirit of the French Lady who possesses the Clock.
(In Khmer with Indonesian/English subtitles)

Film The Clock: Spirits Awakening sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 02 November 2022 - 11 November 2022

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