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Concrete Utopia

Concrete Utopia

DirectorUhm Tae Hwa

CastsLee Byung-hun, Park Seo Joon, Park Bo Young, Kim Sun Young, Park Ji Hu, Kim Do Yoon

Duration130 minutes

RatingD (Dewasa)

GenreAction, Drama

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Dunia luluh lantak akibat sebuah gempa bumi dahsyat. Sementara tak ada yang tahu pasti seberapa luas kerusakan melanda, ataupun apa sebenarnya penyebab gempa tersebut, di jantung kota Seoul terdapat satu gedung apartemen yang tetap utuh berdiri. Namanya Apartemen Hwang Gung. Seiring waktu, warga dari luar berdatangan ke Apartemen Hwang Gung demi berlindung dari cuaca dingin ekstrem. Tak lama para penghuni apartemen mulai tak sanggup menampung para pendatang yang makin bertambah. Merasa keselamatan mereka akan terancam, para penghuni sepakat memberlakukan sebuah aturan khusus.
English - The world has been reduced to rubble by a massive earthquake. While no one knows for sure how far the ruins stretch, or what the cause of the earthquake may be, in the heart of Seoul there is only one apartment building left standing. It is called Hwang Gung Apartments. As time passes, outsiders start coming in to Hwang Gung Apartments trying to escape the extreme cold. Before long, the apartment residents are unable to cope with the increasing numbers. Feeling a threat to their very survival, the residents enact a special measure.
(In Korean with Indonesian subtitles)

Film Concrete Utopia sudah tayang di bioskop sejak tanggal 19 Agustus 2023 - 07 November 2023

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